Architecture Month 2020: The Architecture & Music of Black Broadway – Run Tour

5/4 Update: The Run Tour has been postponed to October 10, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay safe!

studio lyew is proud to be a part of Architecture Month 2020! Richard will be hosting a run tour that highlights “The Architecture & Music of Black Broadway” on April 25 October 10. Celebrate your city with tours, talks, and more, all April year long… visit to learn more and book your event! @DCArchCenter #ArchMonthDC

This 3.5-mile tour from Columbia Heights to Shaw neighborhoods in Washington, DC will give participants an active and engaging experience focused on the visionaries, businesses, and entertainment venues that shaped “Black Broadway,” and how the pride and dignity born out of this neighborhood helped to bridge racial divides. Built for all fitness levels, the self paced running tour will explore the history of  Howard University’s role in educating notable African American professionals who went on to become leading figures in U Street’s thriving entertainment scene. As participants dive into the legacy built by these DC neighborhoods and businesses, they will encounter musical inspiration by Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, and DC’s very own jazz legend Duke Ellington.

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